Elevate humanity through raising the consciousness of purpose-driven people, teams, and organizations.

Usui Reiki Master
Transformative Leadership & Life Coach (ICF)
Meditation/Mindfulness Teacher & Facilitator
Crystal Healing
Sound Healing
Feng Shui & Space Clearing
Quantum Med Bed Healing

My Story
Hi, I'm Meghan Read! I’ve been a certified coach and holistic healer for more than a decade and my corporate background spans across employee wellbeing, peak performance, sales, and coaching. I am committed to empowering purpose-driven professionals to elevate their consciousness and performance, accelerate their journey towards fulfillment, and uplift humanity. I believe we all deserve to find more meaning, joy, inspiration, and belonging in life and at work. And with that, I invite you to learn what led me to where and who I am today.
Following my intuition, helping others, and sharing positivity started for me when I was 3 years old. My closest friend had a severe disability and couldn’t walk or talk. I spent my days with her, fully invested in intuitively understanding her needs, making her laugh, and showing up fully present for her. I didn’t know at the time, that these were her final days and that these foundational moments were the building blocks to embracing the most intuitive, joyful, mindful, and compassionate parts of myself.
My curiosity for understanding the power of our thoughts, emotions, visions, focus, and energy also began early. From the time I was 8 to the time I was 20, I poured my focus into being a high-performance athlete. I had the opportunity to learn first-hand from nearly a dozen Olympians and some of the best coaches in the world. I was so fascinated in what I was uncovering about the brain and human potential from mentors and sharing my own discoveries with others, that I decided to begin my coaching journey and delve into the study of Human Development and Psychology in undergrad.
I quickly found myself transferring the learnings from my time as an athlete to other areas of life. Looking back now, that was just the beginning. I harnessed the power of my mind in my work, my relationships, my health, my finances – everything. Before I knew it, I was asking myself, “what else am I truly capable of?”
It wasn’t really until my early twenties that I began to formally study and practice energy healing. I’ve always believed my body could heal itself, but it wasn’t until I tore my meniscus that my beliefs were truly tested. I remember reviewing the MRI scans with my doctor, who shared, “you have a severe sprain and a tare. Typically, this type of injury will require surgery and physical therapy. Rest it and put ice on it and let’s have another look in two weeks.” For those two weeks, I sent healing energy into my knee multiple times per day and kept visualizing a fully repaired and healthy knee. I consistently imagined my doctor returning with the new scans with news that my knee was on the mend and I have somehow miraculously avoided surgery. Fast forward two weeks later, I received the news, “hmmmm. Somehow the tare has repaired on its own. Looks like you won’t require surgery, after all!”
The next leg of my journey was two-fold: continue to learn about alternative and complimentary healing and simultaneously, move up the corporate ladder. The game-changing moment for me was when I realized I could leverage my experience and knowledge about the brain and energy to fuel my corporate and personal success. Little by little, I began incorporating alternative methods into my work. Crystals, Reiki, Meditation, Feng Shui, Sound Healing, Manifestation, etc. At the most challenging points of my personal and professional life, I found myself leaning more and more into the world of complementary and alternative healing.
Through a lot of inner work and practice, I discovered more graceful and effective ways of reaching my goals. Over time, my innate intuitive abilities seamlessly integrated with my achiever mentality. From exceeding sales targets, landing incredible opportunities, and creating innovative solutions, to attracting meaningful relationships, finding my dream home, and increasing my income by 6x in three years – practically every aspect of my life was transformed. Through mindfulness, resilience, and a relentless commitment to uncovering new ways to leverage my mind, energy, and knowledge, I found myself consistently bringing to life everything I imagined for myself. Before I knew it, executives, leaders, colleagues and friends were asking, “how does she do it?”
Before I knew it, people began to reach out from practically every line of business and across the entire globe. From early-stage start-ups to Fortune 500s, and from Go-to-Market teams to engineering and legal teams, there was a shared curiosity and a mutual thirst for healing in the corporate world. I’ve worked with early adopters and skeptics and everyone in between. It started with individuals and morphed into teams and organizations. So now here I am, working with diverse people, teams, and organizations around the world because there is an undeniable need for more humanity and spirituality in the workplace and there are so many ways to tap into our true power and make a bigger difference at home, at work, and in the world.
I have devoted my entire life to living with purpose, authenticity, and joy with the intention of living life to the fullest and sharing what I have discovered along the way. Empowering people, teams, and organizations to thrive in every capacity is what ultimately nourishes my heart and soul. I am honored and delighted to welcome you to join me as we raise our collective consciousness and reach our full potential, together.